Tuesday, November 18, 2008

tagged again-by encik syah

malam2 bute ni..saje je la bukak blog..skali dpt msg dr syah...eim..kamu di tagged...arghhh!!tagged lagi..saje je taw..huh..well..seb bek dia suh aku amek gambo..lagi muke ngah serabut ni wehh..haha...jerawat pon ktare jekkk...adeh!!!

me n my ex-->mr.bobo


take a recent pictures of yourself or take a pictures of yourself right
don't change your clothes or fix your hair.. just take a pictures!!
~messy nye aku..huh..~
post that pictures and no editing
~mlam2 bute edit photoshop..kne sembunyikn jerawat la nmpak ye..huhh~
post this instruction with your picture
~dahh ponn..~
tag 3 people to do this

~yana dear~

Saturday, November 15, 2008

aku ditagged lagi..hehh

hmm...terima kasih daun keladi pd encik shah kerana mmberi aku keje tambahan...haha..aku kne tagged..hampehla...actually..aku sngt la mlasnye nk mengapdate blog ni..xde cite mnarik pon nk nulis..hmmm...tp kepade encik shah...sngt2 terima kasihla sebb mmberi aku sebab nak mneruskan perjalanan pengupdatekn blog aku...

7perkara tentang aku???

ada ke sesape nk taw ni??haha..xpela...korang xmo taw pon xpe...aku nk cite jugak...:p

  1. pencinta lagu..(cinta ke??)
  • well aku ni minat la gn lagu2..tp besenye aku ske lagu yg ade kaitan gn dri aku...kalo kaitan gn dri org len aku xamek kesahla...hmm..well...1st thing 1st yg aku taw la kn..aku xkesah lagu dia mcm ne tu jatuh no.2 la..tp yg penting mesej dlam lagu tuh...well...bile layan2 lagu camni...hahahaa,,,terjadikla keberanganan...
  • slalu nye..kalo masuk bab jiwang2..aku mesti terkenangla pd ex2 aku...haha..xpon org yg aku suke ke...tu la aku...berangan lebih...ish2..kne berubah ni....
  • lagu jugak bwak seribu erti bg aku..well kalo aku nk bitaw org pasaan aku..susahla kn..aku bukan jenis ske berckp pasal soal hati n pasaan...(kalo terpkse je..)..so..bile aku hepi ke sedeh ke...lagu la yg bg aku smangat..n lagu gak yg mennjukkan pasaan aku time tuh...dats why aku ckp..aku ni pencinta lagu...haha..plek ke??

2. kaki tido

  • well...kalo membe2 aku time skola mnengah dulu..pnggil aku snow white...haha..pe x nye...aku keje tido je dlam kelas...cikgu xleh ckp apela kn..sbb aku stil dpat mrkah bek gak even aku tido2 pon,,,hahaha...(riak kejap...)
  • tapi tula...kalo aku bngun aku dok kaco org..sbb tu la kwan2 aku prefer aku tido...haha..kalo aku tido plak kn..dr klas stat sampai klas abes...time cikgu masuk aku stat tido...time cikgu kuo aku kembali cergas seperti bese,,,pehh..setan tol...
  • n kisah ni xberhenti kat skool je..aku pon meneruskn tabiat aku kat matrik..haha..time kuliah..bes woo tido...tp time tuh aku segan sket nk wat aktiviti tuh..kalo nk wat kne kover2..yela malu beb...rmai org tgok..haha
  • well..ade satu time tuh..time lecture kimia...cik almi kott namenye...aku mmng bntai tido je kat kuliah dia..haha..yela..time thari..sape leh than dok dlm ekon kn..da habitat aku pon ske tido..lagi kimia...hmm..haramla aku nk jage kn..?then...adela satu time tuh..dia ade ckp..
    nape ade sorang budak tuh..bile sy pndang je dia tido...bile sy pndang je dia tido..ishh..bile la nk bgun2
    so...disebbkn dia xpndang muke aku time ckp kn..aku pon wat bodo je la..xtrase ponn.aku ingat dia ckp org len...hahaha..then..ade sbb cik almi sngtla comel..aku pon satu hari tuh tegurla dia..then dia pon ckp...
    nape awak suke tido kat kelas saya...tiap kali sy pndang awak..mesti awak je yg tido...
    spotted!!la...aku ke yg diperkatakn tuh..seb bek time tuh aku gn sape ntah xingat..kire org xramai la kn...hahhh....hampeh...sjak tuh..aku try xtido klas dia..aku gn cik almi pon sngt la bek relation nye..dia layan kn je aku ni...bengap no kimia...seb bek pas jugak...
  • ade g cite pasal tido ni...mlas ah nk cite...hahaha..tetibe aku rase segan plak...

3. mulut bising

  • pot pet...pot pet...mulut xreti diam..haha tula aku..sape2 yg pnah sebumbung gn aku kn...mesti da taw pangai aku yg satu ni..haha..smpai mmbe aku pnah ckp...

eim....tolonglah diam..

  • hehh..smapai camtuh skali kn...tp..bile aku diam....
    eim...ko sakit ke?

nape snyap je ni??ko slah mkn ke???

  • tu la terjadik bile aku senyap..ade satu time kat matrikla jugak ni...aku se klas aku tuh kn..dengo sore aku sowang je...hahaha...aku dok sebok kaco org...budak2 len snyap je..ahhh!!gile bosan...aku nyampah sket gn dak klas aku laki time matrik...poyoo!!!hahaha...mari2 mengutuk.....

4. gambarholic

  • haha...ala...korang sume mesti taw pngai wajib aku kn...aku pon mcm ko gak shah...xleh tgok kamera...mesti nnti pnoh muke aku je ...kat kamera org lain lak tuh..n seperti biase..muke aku mestila lebih mnyerlah drpd org lain...btol x kwan2...??
  • aku ade satu habitat la kn...ske amek pic dr angle ats...haha..kire2 kne dongakla kn...aku sukela angle tuh..tp ade gak la yg plek aku slal amek pic camtuh..koya comel..haha..then tp last2..aku se...rmai je ikut jejak langkah aku...hahaha...bak kate fiza...trender...

5. kaki gelak

  • hehe..aku ske gelak..lantakla org nk ckp aku gelak cam pontianak ke..ape ke..jnji aku ske gelak..ntahla...aku dpat kwan2 yg sengal..mne leh tahan gelak...oleh kerana aku ni sempoi je kn...so...aku xde la kesah sngt pon org nk ckp pe...hmmm....
  • idup aku ni..kalo bleh aku nk hepi je..xmo ade prob..kalo ade prob tuh yg aku bnyak gelak tuh...ade pepatah ckp...jngan bnyak gelak..nnti ilmu kuar..lantakla..yg aku taw

laughter is d best medicine

  • am i right???so hepi2 la slalu...

6. simple minded person

  • aku slalu wat keputusan xpiki pnjang..keputusan xmenggunakn akal n pikiran..sume ikot ati je..tu la aku..kdang2 bile aku amek keputusan tuh..aku se...maybe tu yg terbaik tuk dri aku..tp ade jugak tindkn yg aku amek tuh melukakn trus ati aku...hahaha...tu la sbab..aku jarang nk wat keputusan...tp besenye..rmai je yg menunggu keputusan dr aku...hmmm...susah beb....!!

6. cakap lepas

  • ye..aku akui..mulut aku ni laser sket..haha..kadang2 aku nk guro..jadik mnde lain plk..slah ckp pulak..aku ni kadang2 jujur sngat kot..aku men ckp je tnpe piki pasaan org len..nnti bile da pas ckp bru aku sdar kesilpn aku..huhh..besela aku ni...
  • kadang2 bnde tuh xsngaje..yela..da org mintak pendapat kn..xknla nk bg pendapat tipu2..mungkin bhase aku kasar..tp aku juz nk realize kan sume org hakikat sbena je...watpe kite nk jage ati org..kalo dri dia sdri nk biarkannye xterjage...huhu
  • aku kn..besenye..kalo xske kat someone la kn..aku mmng laser sket gn org tuh..haha..ape aku kesah dia nk benci kat aku ke ape ke..jnji aku xske dia..haha...tp aku jarang xske org..cume org2 yg agak2 poyo je..yg wat aku smpai meluat je aku slalu perli...perli2 xmo mkn dlam ekk...hahaha...jahat aku ni..soweela ekk..aku mmng ksar sket..
  • well..pade mmbe2 aku yg pnah tersinggung gn kate2 aku..aku mintak maaf bebnyak...aku syang korang sumew..dont worryy...mmmuuuaaahhh!!

akhirnye..berjaya jugak aku menulis gn pnjang lebar pasal dri aku...ade plak org yg snggp nk bace ekk???haha...xpela...xkesah ponn...

well..aku nk welcome pd mmbe2 aku yg skang ni masing2 sa ade blog masing2 la kn..slamat mju jaye k???wish u all of luck...well...makin bertambah ah link aku pasni..hehehehe...

ok..now its time aku mahu tagged org lain plak...

  1. jamie
  2. peda
  3. ash
  4. fifi
  5. izzah

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am a Muslim
And God I praise
For all his blessings
My voice I raise
In one God I believe
No equal has He
Lord of the universe
Compassionate to me
Muhammad the Prophet
Taught me the way
To be honest and truthful
Throughout everyday
The Holy Qur'an
To life is my guide
Its teachings I follow
By it I abide
Islam is my religion
Preaches good deeds
Mercy and Kindness
To the right path it leads
Upon all humanity
God showers his grace
Regardless of colour
Nationality or race
Through working together
Our hopes increase
To live in a world
Full of love and peace
Full of love and peace
I am a Muslim
And God I praise
For all His blessings
My voice I raise


All praises are for you Allah, how I hope that you are there.
For sinful though I know I am, your displeasure I can not bear.
Never, till this moment, did I realize how much I've strayed.
Never, till now, was I more conscious of all those times when I should have prayed.
For sins are like heavy baggage, that one carries through Life, the airport.
Why didn't I realize sooner, that Earth is but a place of sport?
Ya Allah ! Forgive me. Save me from the fire of Hell.
Forgive me as you did my parents, from Jan'ah though they fell.
Ya Allah ! Protect me. From myself for my soul is weak.
Let me not falter ever, for Jan'ah is the abode I seek.
Ya, Allah! Please help me. For I don't understand and thus, I fear.

7 things

I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we've shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
Now we're standing in the rain
But nothin's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you

The 7 things I hate about you (oh you)
You're vein, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It's awkward and it's silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
And when you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
Oh I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here

The 7 things I hate about you
You're vein, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
And when we kiss, I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be
With the one I know
And the 7 things I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You do (oh)

i don't realize the lyric actually until once i hear it deeply..hahahaha..my emotional day coming by again..another episode for my heartbroken entry..what can i say...i just cant let anyone knows..but...i guess most of my rapat friends knows my feeling now..hmmm..its hard to describe..the situation im involve now..well...i just made up my mind...no cry for good aite..and i want to cry for good...who knows what future will be...i just wanna stop dreaming...yeah..for good..why not??

-u cant read my mind..and so do i...so..let me stop you...before its too late..im quit..please be happy...