Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hari ini hari terakhir di tahun 2009. Esok mula masuk tahun baru, maknanya semakin bertambah usia hidup di muka bumi ini. Terima Kasih Tuhan!

Bila kenang-kenang balik diari hidup aku selama di tahun 2009, aku rasa, hidup aku lebih bermakna dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sebab tahun 2009, adalah tahun aku menjadi lebih dewasa dari tahun 2008. Aku lebih berani berkata-kata, aku lebih berani berkawan, aku lebih berani memberi pendpat, dan paling penting, aku semakin berani untuk teruskan hidup yang lebih mencabar.

Tahun 2009, aku kenal dengan ramai-ramai orang, sebab aku ber"internship" di CTRM. Aku kenal ema (my sister), oden (source of darkness), ben (boy band), ela (backhand gurl), jama (kisah si lipas yang sesat), faruq (mata-mata). Selama 7 bulan bersama diorang, dah macam sebati dalam diri aku. Kat CTRM, ajar aku menjadi lebih berani, lebih expose diri dan belajar menunjukkan diri aku yang sebenar. Macam-macam memori dalam hidup aku yang xboleh nak lupe, mungkin sebab aku xpernah serapat, atau sebaik dengan orang lain sebagaimana aku rapat atau sebaik dengan mereka yang aku sebut di atas, dan aku sangat-sangat bersyukur aku dapat CTRM, walaupon bekerja cuma sebagai kerani. Tapi seronok bergosip dan makan-makan free itu paling jelas terasa hingga kini. Dan hubungan kami-kami masih lagi seperti dulu walaupun masing-masing sibuk dengan life masing-masing. Huhu~

After internship, masuk sem baru, semua dengan semangat baru nk berPSM. After intern, hampir semua budak kelas aku kata aku dah berubah. Maybe aku menjadi lebih berani dan maybe aku jadi terlalu open? Aku pun tak tahu, tapi aku rasa gembira dan bersemangat untuk menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Mungkin penangan final year dan aku rasa xmahu menjadi LOSER. Maybe?

Dan satu lagi bat aku bahagia ialah bersama kembali dengan orang-orang yang aku sayang dulu. Segala kekusutan yang berlaku antara kami semuanya sudah terlerai, dan aku harap tiada lagi drama swasta yang akan berlaku. amiiin.

Ok, at the end of the year, satu lagi berita gembira bagi diri aku sebab aku jumpa seorang kawan yang sangat baik. Yang pada awalnya, aku xpernah perasan kewujudan dia walaupon kami selalu bersama. Chewaahh!Haha. Tapi sekarang aku ada kawan baik, dan aku takkan hilang dia macam aku hilang wan dulu. Dan aku takkan ulang perangai lama sebab aku taknak aku hilang diri lagi sekali. Cukuplah aku rasa bahagia macam ni, dan walau aku tahu mungkin aku dengan dia xkan lebih dari seorang kawan, tapi cukuplah aku rasa sebahagia ini. Terima Kasih pada kau yang sudi berkawan dengan budak xcukup sifat macam aku ni. (^_^)

Hah. Another things yang aku rasa bahagia is, mak bapak aku nampaknya semakin sporting. Haha. And the most thing is, aku rasa macam tak nak tinggalkan rumah je, macam walau aku nak pergi kerja jauh-jauh pasni, mesti aku rindu katil empuk dan internet 24hours kat rumah, sambil hidup bersenang-lenang tanpa perlu mengeluarkan peluh. haiisshh!

Baiklah, seperti tahun-tahun lepas, aku harap tahun ini akan lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya. Aku harap apa yang aku doa tiap2 hari lepas sembahyang makbul lah hendaknya. Aku cuma harap yang terbaik dalam hidup walau aku tahu, aku tidaklah sebaik mana tapi aku harap aku boleh berikan yang terbaik dalam hidup. BOTB!

Ok!Selamat datang 2010, Selamat tinggal 2009!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the man

there is a story
about a young girl falling in love with a man
since her junior grade at school

she was so in love with that man
the way he think
the way he judge
and so much of personality influenced her

she just a small tiny girl
hiding in dining room
with the candle light
just to read about him

she just a little girl
she tried hard to understand
the way he talk
the way he think
and apparently she can't do the same

she just a little girl

and then she grow up,
the man of her dream become far away,
she seems to lost the memory of the man

one day a friend ask her to watch the man,
she said "oh! pleasure"
even she knows that,
maybe he would not be the same as she read
when she just a little girl.

And the day comes,
she meet her men in life
and truly
she fall in love again
even it is just a movie
she fall in love
even it script
she fall in love
even a stupid move and reaction
she fall in love


And she grateful.

Sherlock Holmes is the best!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10 things I hate about you

I hate the way you talk to me
I hate the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat-boots
and way you read my minds
I hate you so much that makes me sick
and even makes me rhyme

I hate it

I hate it when you always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
and worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you are not around
and fact you didn't call

But mostly I hate that I didn't hate you
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all

10 things I hate about you (1999)

Great poem isn't it?*sigh*

I heart this poem when I watch this movie alone, cause my sister going to KL for fun. Huh! Luckily, it's a nice story. Hey! Ade x sesape yang nak nyanyi tuk aku lagu "Cant Take My eyes Over you" sambil joget2 kat padang sekolah. Haha. Kadang-kadang cerita mcam ni buat girl-girl macam kita ni berangan dan nak over2 terlebih. Means, mesti kita akan impikan someone yang kita syang boleh wat perkara-perkara romantik2 macam tuh, tapi bile kita macam berharap dapat lelaki-lelaki macam tuh. sedangkan pakwe-pakwe kita seromantik tuh, kita akan kecewa. Huhu~ Dan kebanyakan lelaki-lelaki sangat tidak suka cerita romantik sebab itu, sebab kadang-kadang cerita-cerita romantik xmasuk akal. dan perempuan-perempuan pula suka bende-bende xmasuk akal ni, termasuklah membuat konsert kat padang semata-mata nk ajak perempuan tuh kuar dating. Haishh. kalau aku pon, kompem nk dating gn laki macm tuh. Wahaha!

Ok, berbalik pasal cinta-cinta ni, kadang-kadang susah nak tarik diri kita dari jatuh cinta kan? Sebab ye la, nak jumpe orang yang suka kat kita ape adenye, susah woo, kalau kita yang suke dia ape adenya rasanya banyak jek. Kire cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan la. Ada kawan aku yang aku rasa baru-baru ni putus cinta. Ops! Lupe. Akak aku pun baru putus cinta. Alasan putus xtahulah cume aku rasa, masing-masing dah bosan dengan perangai masing-masing. Akak aku bosan gn pakwe dia, pakwe dia bosan gn akak aku. Last-last clash. Huh. Selama 5tahun bercintan-cintan, mak bapak dah kenal dah, sekali putus. Haishh.. Pastu masing-masing tunjuk-tunjuk silap masing-masing. Time bercinta, semuanya indah-indah. Huh!

Aku sebenarnye frust tengok orang bercerai-bagai ni, sebab ye la kan. Kita dah penah tengok kawan kita bahagia dengan orang yang dia sayang, sekali tup-tup dengar cerita dah putus. Dulu bukan main lagi berkepit 24 jam, sekarang pandang muke pon dah xhinging Sume kisah-kisah zaman tok kadok pon siap ungkit. Hmm. Frust weh!

Ok, kepada korang yang bercinta-cinta, xpon kepada mereka yang dah berkahwin tapi dah mula rasa bosan dengan life masing-masing, aku nk suggest korang tgok 17 Again. Movie ni memang bagus, sebab, mesej dia simple. "Appreciate what you have, while you have it, cause when it's gone, U gonna miss it".

17 Again

Dan kepada sesiapa yang ingin berpisah ke bercerai berai ke, ingatlah saat2 anda bercinta, selak-selaklah album-album gambar lame2, carik balik apa yang hilang antara anda, bincang dan cuba kekalkan apa yang ada. Carilah saat yang paling indah, dan bina semula saat-saat itu. Lagi-lagi bila kita bercinta dengan orang yang kita suka. Kita yang pilih dia, kita yang mahu terima baik buruk dia. Kalau boleh, perpisahan itu biarlah perkara paling dibenci sekali. Biarlah itu menjadi langkah terakhir untuk memecah kebuntuan. Never say die, before you try!! (motto hidup aku..dulu!).

Tetibe entry ni jadik entry orang frust bercinta plak kan?hehe~Takde lah, cuma aku ni agak xsuka bila ade orang bercerai-berai ni. Tapi kadang-kadang hati dan perasaan ni memang xboleh nk dipaksa. Sebab bila kita dah tawar hati, yang manis pon dah xjadi manis jugak. Tapi itu semua depends atas individu tu sendiri. Sama ada nak kekalkan atau cari pengganti. Huhu~Tapi xpenat ke nk cari orang yang boleh knal kita macam orang yang sedia ada kenal kita.

Berkenalan itu payah jugak kadang-kadang, kadang-kadang rasa OK, kadang-kadang rasa takut, kadang-kadang rasa xpasti. contohnye kita ni da selalu-selalu msg2 dengan someone la kan, tapi bila kita dah lama-lama kenal dia, baru kita tahu, "owh, dia ni cuma nak cari kawan-kawan je", akhirnya kita macam frust sendiri jugak kan? Ataupun, "owh..dia ni masih suka kat ex dia yang lama", atau "owh, dia ni lum bersedia nak bercinta sebab ex dia yang lama tinggalkan dia, so dia belum rasa nak suka kat sapa-sapa", atau "Owh..dia ni sesuai untuk buat kawan jek, untuk jadi laki xsesuai langsung". Huhh. Kan susah tuh? So, baiklah kita sume-sume ni setia je pada orang yang boleh terima diri kita seadanya. Ok? Bercerai hidup itu xkool, baiklah bercerai mati. Baru abadi. (^_^).

Haha. Tetiba rasa malam ni entry merepek meraban kan?Aku rasa macam aku ni doktor cinta plak (sambil nyanyi lagu dokter cinta-dewa dewi).Huhu. Okla, rasanya aku perlu beradu, esok nak pergi berdating ke kedai laptop. Huhu~Anyone mahu teman saya pergi membeli belah, sila angkat kaki.Hehe!

Selamat Malam! Especially pada kamu yang berasa di atas bas, yang kompem tengah tidur dengan nyenyaknye. Hey!Semoga sampai dengan selamat..(^_^).. Take care!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

personality test..(^_^)

While berjalan-jalan di blog rakan-rakan, I ternampak sesuatu yang menarik. Thanks Diana for the link. So, Kawan-kawan, mari kita menilai diri kita. Even maybe bukanla accurate, tapi atleast, kita boleh kenal siapa kita kan??(^_^)

Here's the link for those who really interested to do the personality test. 99% accurate on me..(^_^)

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

**I love humourous people too**

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Wahh..Am i that person, but I think I'm not matured enough though. As I said, 99% True about me, about my dream job, about what most I fear -->FAILURE!..Truely, I dont like dissapointment. Huhu. But, the real me is seems not like above. This is the result about the real me. I think it 100% accurate.

  1. You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
  2. You strictly follow rules (yes, sometimes i guess this statement is right.), and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice (sometimes, I ignore people advice..huhu.). You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
  3. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
  4. Your boyfriend thinks that you are a real doll but this is not a totally positive thing. Sometimes you can be a bit too sweet, and come across as being helpless. If you're like this too frequently, your boyfriend and other people are likely to get tired of you having to rely on them all the time.
  5. You are a very serious person. You tend to be quiet and well behaved, and you don't have a great deal of self-confidence. You prefer to be alone rather than with friends and that could make you a little less interesting to certain types of guys. You are very attractive in an individual kind of way, and this means it can take people a little while to get to like you.
OMG!am the real me seems like this?Sometimes, of course I have this attitude especially the bold one. Some of my friend also complaint the same thing, so..I should start to renovate back my attitude kan??huhu..

Ok, another is my Personality Love style.

You are the type to fall quickly and passionately in love, but will commit to a person forever when this happens. When you choose to love someone, it's going to be a strong relationship and nothing will come between you and your lover. But beware: love can turn you blind, and the rest of the world might cease to exist while you are in that honeymoon phase. When you come down from your high, you may find you have neglected other people and things that you love.

Isn't that true? The truth is, I'm the person that easily falling in love with people, but I try to put some border to love someone, means, to not let myself easily fall in love with people, I set some high to let the chosen people pass on it. So with that, I'm not easily letting myself messing with wasting-time people. But, I dont put a border on friendship, cause friends may come and go, while I don't want my love to change. (Even, I've a tons of ex's..huhh)

Haha..Another truth is, I like this merepek2 thingy. You know it seems like nak bangge diri sdri tanpa sebab, and sometimes rasa diri kita ni sebenarnye mcm angel je kan??Yela, when personality test come out, sume macam bagus2 jek, tapi deep inside, sometimes people xdela sebaik itu pon, even diri sendiri pon xsebagus mana, banyak cacat cela jugak..huhu..

So..untuk kenal diri anda, silalah cube kuiz ini. Menarik! dan sila pastikan diri anda menjadi seperti personality test itu, means, amek yang baik, buang yang buruk.. Go go chaiyok kawan2...(^_^)

++Hati sedang berdebar-debar la, macam nak jumpe seseorang yang lame xberjumpe..Chewahh!++

P/s: akak aku sedang rasa diri dia bella dalam twilight..OHH MENN!!dan dia cakap dia nk jadi penyanyi??WTH??X rasa ke suara anda macam katak-katak memamnggil hujan?..hahh!one more thing, sila pakai braces ye kakak..hehehe!



Avatar is a great movie, and its end up my list of movie for this year perfectly. Haha..Luckily it's a great movie, all the ingredient are mixed finely. You can have the feeling of nature, it's a really nice scenery, a really great movie line, eventhough you may expect what will happen at the end of story, yet it still experience you new thing. The up and down in your life, whats good and whats bad. What's must or what's mustn't. Huhh. Usually, I'm not applaud to any movie, except Upin Ipin la, and Transformers.

Upin & Ipin - Geng

Upin Ipin is Malaysian Product, and the quality of storyline is same to the Pixar studio or any other 3D animation story from outsider, and its really cool cause we had daily conversation in there. Eventhough, sometimes the story are being up broad too much, yet its still entertaining. the 2nd movie that amazed me is Transformers, that;s not because of the story, but the way the movie is make, and its also not because the cast ok? The cast is usual, but the unusual is how the make the transformers really alive. Its so cool. How I wish I can do that too, the technology. Huhh..Please, Malaysian people, make us some robots same as Optimus Prime or more powerful than that..Huhu.. Atleast no one can harm us anymore. Peace..(^_^)..

Transformers - Revenge of The Fallen

Ok, back to Avatar, it was a last minute movie. My sister and I decided to watch New Moon at Dataran Pahlawan since yesterday is my sister off day. As all of you know, my sister is really busy on her job, yet don't have any time to rest. So as a good younger sister, I'm willing to have a date with her and willing her to buy me a movie. Haha..(That's willing word is really annoying ok..I'm forcing her to watch movie and buy me a ticket actually..) Huhu. Unfortunately, the New Moon is not on-sale, I don't know what's happening, but the ticket available only for mid-nights. What the Fishla kan. My dream to see my Edward-Cullen-yang-gile-nak-mati-putih, and Bella-si-putih-yang-suke-ketap-bibir is absolutely a dream only.

Twilight saga- New Moon

So, later on we decided to watch AVATAR. I don't have any expectation on this movie, and my 1st impression, "this movie is boring and cliche". Haha. The hero must survive until last and meet some hot girl and making love and bla bla bla. But, after I watched it, Even the storyboard is same, like other movies, but I tell you, you didn't want the hero to die. Trust me!!You want him to alive and live long and having a great life. Huhh!Yes..Thats movie is so great to me. Really great. Sometimes, people that can't see the message, might say, "this movie is just like another movie", but please digged out the message of green life, about the courages of defend his nation and culture, about the united of people to defend the country, about the belief of their religion, about the effect of the trust that've been destroyd, about the humanity. Hey all people that say racist word, You should see this movie. This movie is completely full with message.

I love one line from the movie, "why you need to fill in the cup that already full?". It's mean, its a useless thing that you do and indeed, why must people to pretend they know nothing while they know everything? But, sometimes a person who knows everything is also lacking on something, such as, why must you build a road while they just use bird to fly?or just use tree to connect to another places? Truthfully, a decision to make is must comply with the environment, the silly mistakes like build a road at the jungle, where there is no transportation will use that road, is totally a sucks idea. Hey com'on!Think as a human la weh. Why they need all the technologies while they use nature to survive? All the greedy people in all over the world, will use violence as a method to conquer things, without think the consequence on all over the aspect, not concern about people, not concerning about nature, not concerning about the environment impact on the people out there. The people may lost home, may lost their love one, may lost everything they have, and I bet that it should be the same thing goes on the greedy people. "What you give, you get back!". (Patut laksanakan hukum hudud ni~). A very violent things, that a heartless people may do, is destroying the holy place of one race. That's their belief, and that's their religion, so please people, do respect them.

So, now you see why I love this movie, sometimes, nature is more powerful than technology. Human make a technology for a better living, while a nature is made by Allah for people to live in. So? Who is more powerful? Pray for Allah, if you want anything and don't ask to human. Allah will gave you what you want, while human is selective. "Selective" here means that, if you didn't bring any good to them, so you're useless, if yes, you're hero. That's human. The nature of human. So, please watch this movie, and see the message. I love Jake Sully!

haha, another line that I like most is, "Why this dream is feel so real, while the reality seems like dreaming?". I like it! He totally fall in love with that native girl, and same as the native girl. Aisshhh..I love them, hihihi..(tetibe boleh berangan time dorang duk bercinta-cinta).

neytiri & Jake Sully

sangat SWEET ok?Huhu..

OK, thats all for my entry this week, I think. Mari tgok Avatar kawan-kawan(^_^)

**congrats pada team Malaysia yang menang 1-0 lawan vietnam, camni baru lah ade feel nk sokong Malaysia! huhu~**

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Wishes

This wishes goes to someone that is important to me, a nice man I ever found, and hope that our friendship will remain forever. So, for you the Mr-nice-guy, Happy Birthday...(^_^)

Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
There's so many things, I just want to say.

You've inspire me, with your thoughts and actions,
And I'm so grateful, for your calm reactions.

You've always been there, when I needed you to stay.
Kindness is your forte,
And this love for you, I wish to convey.

I wish you the best, without any delay.
Here a hug and kisses for you on your birthday

Happy Birthday on this beautiful day


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mimpi Tentang Kita

Haha..Korang xrasa ke sejak kebelakangan ni aku rajin mengupdate blog nih..hahaha..asal tetibe rasa nk menulis tuh menderu-menderu kat hati aku..huhu

well..tadi aku ada dapat satu msg yang..Ok, frankly..aku sangat2 tertusuk hati dengan cupid nye anak panah tuh..hahaha..Gile wehh...ayat dia sweet giler..CAIR AKU!

Kita berjumpa kerana takdir
Kita berkawan kerana kasih sayang
Kita bersama kerana hati
Kita berpisah kerana cita-cita
Kita kekal kerana kuatnya ukhwah
Kita bergaduh kerana harganya 1 ikatan
Yang paling penting semuanya kerana ALLAH..

Bukan mudah untuk berkawan
Bukan mudah untuk kekalkan
Bukan mudah untuk teruskan
Bukan mudah sehingga sekarang
Semuanya kerana ALLAH..

Tidak mungkin sekarang terjadi

Coretanku adalah biasa bagi insan yang bergelar sahabat
Moga persahabatan yang dibina kekal selamanya
Teruskanlah melangkah ke hadapan
Disitu adanya kemanisan

Haha..dan aku totally speechless..dan kawan..aku memang hargai kehadiran kau dalam hidup selamanya..dan yang paling penting..aku harap persahabatan aku dengan kau xkan luput sampai tua..dan aku harap memori dengan kau xkan hilang walau satu pun sebab..aku xsanggup hilang moment2 itu..huhu~

Ok..ini lagu khas tuk kamu yang memberi msg itu..(u know who u are..:p)

The Lyrics:
(Turn the lights on!)
Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you when I close my eyes
I'm going outta my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide?
Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You're the perfect lullaby
What kind of dream is this?

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on!)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
(Turn the lights on!)
My guilty pleasure I ain't goin nowhere
Baby, long as you're here
I'll be floating on air cause you're my, you're my....
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy, you're my temporary high
I wish that when I wake up you're there
To wrap your arms around me for real and tell me you'll stay by side
Clouds filled with stars cover the skies
And I hope it rains
You're the perfect lullaby
What kind of dream is this?

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on!)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
(Turn the lights on!)
My guilty pleasure I ain't goin nowhere
Baby, long as you're here
I'll be floating on air cause you're my, you're my....
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

Tattoo your name across my heart
So it will remain....
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on!)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
(Turn the lights on!)
My guilty pleasure I ain't goin nowhere
Baby, long as you're here
I'll be floating on air cause you're my, you're my....
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you


Sunday, November 29, 2009

nur kasih~

Selamat Hari Raya Qurban, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha, dan Selamat Hari Raya Haji..:P

Ok, walaupun bunyinya dan ejaannya xsama, tetapi maksudnya tetap satu. Ok, sume orang cakap pasal ibadah qurban ini, ramai yang tanye berapa banyak lembu dah korbankan, berapa bnyak kambing dah masuk perut dan berapa bnyak rumah kenduri dah di jelajahi. Huhu..Hari yang penuh dengan makanan, hari yang penuh dengan bau lembu-lembu dan hari-hari yang penuh sesak kat rumah aku sebab semua orang dah balik dan membuat bising. Haha~

Ok, kali ini raya tahun ni aku rasa meriah, sebab ape?Sebab aku keje siang dan malam tlong mak bapak aku, Haha..Selama ni aku pemalas, tapi sejak kebelakangan ni, kerajinan aku untuk menolong makin meningkat naik. Apa tandanya tuh??Hahaha..Saje nak tunjuk kat makcik-makcik kat kampung, aku ni dah jadik anak dara, jadi makcik-makcik leh ah prepare masuk meminang..Haha!Ok..aku guraw..huhu~

Tadi aku jumpe kawan lame aku, dia dah tunang. Percaya atau x, dia adalah member aku yang paling banyak skandal, dan aku belajar menjadik playgurl, adalah hasik tunjuk ajar member aku yang sorang ni. Aku knal dia time aku skola kat muar, dia budak bilik dorm aku, tua setahun tapi aku kan lompat2 jadik aku sebaye la kononnye, haha..tolonglah aku, aku nk mengaku muda boleh?huhu..

Nama member aku ni Nurul ain, anak pakcik Joher, duk kat n9, Kg. Bangkahulu, Gemas. Dia budak yang otai kononnye, hati tough tapi kuat nangis, walau dia suke tolak pale aku dan sekeh2 aku, dan wat aku slalu trikut dan hampir menyekeh kepale mak aku.. (haha..ok, aku tipu!)..Tapi sebab minah ni slamber sambil malu2 kucing, wat aku suka kawan gn dia. Dia seronok kalau nk di ajak mengumpat, dia senang di ajak berborak, dan dia senang blanje aku makan. Hidup gn ain joher selama 2 tahun, sngat2 menyeronokkan. Dia manje, gile-gile, sewel, cantik dan xramai peminat (haha..tipu lagi, dia ramai peminta..aku je x!)..Yang aku taw, ain pemes time dia f5, kalau x dia macm aku, intai org dr atas katil jek.. (haha..ain ko taw pasal aktiviti kita yg suke skodeng budak aspura, walaupon dua-dua rabun)..

Dulu waktu sekolah, ain ada suka kat mamat koop name boy, minat dalam diam je la, sebab ain ni jenis pmalu. Jadik aku gn ain kalau nk tgok boy, slalu usyar dari atas katil sebb dorm kitorang plneng strategik, depan aspura dan boleh nmpak lelaki-lelaki yang xberapa gantang jalan-jalan pegi makan..Haha!Ok, kantoi aku suke skodeng~tapi aku skodeng je, sebb budak laki suke tunjuk body diorang yang karat then kami pon start buat mesyuarat tingkap. Tapi aku suke, sebb bukan je dapat tgok body yang karat2, tapi dapat membuat ketupat lagi. Weh, korang ingat senang ke nk jadi perempuan?Banyak bnde kene titik beratkn supaya mesyuart tingkap berjaya dilaksanakn taw..Haha!Aku suke waktu tuh, memang xboleh lupe~

Dalam ramai-ramai, Ain memang disayang ramai. Sebab dia memang suke bercakap walaupon dia kerek, dia sengal dengan kawan-kawan rapat dia, dulu akt xrapat dan dulu aku xkawan gn dia sebab dia xpemes. Dia pon xsuke kawan aku sebab aku ni bisng sangat walaupon xpemes. Tapi skang kami kawan kamceng sebab kami sekepla.

Ain sangat syang aku (haha..aku perasan! Terima kasih!)..Ain kawan aku yg beli besday cake yg kecik tuk aku, Ain kawan aku yang kene sama ape yang aku rasa, Ain kawan aku yang xpernah nak sakitkan hati aku, Ain kawan aku yang akan tolong aku bila aku susah, Ain kawan aku yang paling aku syang, dan Ain kawan aku yang paling wat aku rasa bahagia kalau dia bahagia. Apa masalahnya dengan kita yang berjauhan?Sebab, walau aku jauh gn ain, jarang kol, jarang msg. tapi ain memang ade tempat dalm ati aku.

Dan arini Ain yang aku syang dah jadik tunang orang. Dan aku xpercaya!!!Demm ain, asal ko tunang dulu?Asal xde orang yang xnak kat aku??huhu~ST..cepatlah masuk meminang!:p

Sebenarnya, aku nak citer pasal cerita drama nur kasih yang emnjadi kegilaan ramai orang, termasuk budak lelaki kelas aku. Haha!Dan secara jujurnya, aku xsuke cerita tuh, aku xsuke adam, aku xsuke sarah. Haha~

Adam : lelaki paling dayus aku pnah jumpe, dia poyo!dahla tinggalkn bini tanpa pesan, dia yang wat katrina hilang anak, dia wat katrina sakit, dia yang wat katrina benti blaja semata-mata nk kasik Adam belajar sampai abes, after dia wat katrina guur, dia tinggalkn katrina sorng-sorang. Kesian katrina!pastuh, tetibe dia suke plak kat nur, nur plak ok je. .Tapi kalau aku jadik Nur, aku akan say NO..Sebab benda aku pleng benci dalam hidup adah KECEWA..huhu..geramnya kat Adam tuh, asal dia xmau trus trang, nak simpan katrina. Katrina is a good girl actually, banyak dia nk blaja pasal Islam, tapi Adam macam gampang, marah-marah bila katrina tanya. dan tiba-tiba jatuh cinta balik gn NUr. Hey lelaki, xboleh stick pada satu ke?Nak jugak kaut dua2. Lepas tuh, dia pulak yang over xmau duk serumah gn nur n katrina. Aku admit, dia bgus xnak kasik dua2 hidup serumah. Tapi okay!aku snagt benci lelaki macm ni, dan adik aku cop aku EMO!!!!haha...

Sarah: ok, dia mmang bgus dalm bab memporak perandakan hidup orang, dan watak dia seswai gn orangnya. Memang bes!haha..sebab dia buat aku benci kat watak dia..thumbs up!

Bagi aku cerita nur kasih ni memang thumbs up la. Cast dia bgus2, haha..Tapi aku benci realiti, aku xnak sakit hati, aku bukan orang yang sabar, sebab aku xsuke berkongsi. Sebab slame ni aku dah slalu kongsi-kongsi gn adik bradik aku, jadik bile aku dah kawen, aku xnak kongsi2 laki aku, kecuali gn mak bapak dia la, kompem la aku kne kongsi. Tapi, aku xnak dia suke perempuan lain selain aku, sebab nanti aku rasa aku akan jadik macam nur..haha..xsampai hati seh!!dan aku harap aku xjumpe orang mcm sarah, aku rasa nk hentak2 kasik biol. Hey!mcamla xde laki lain kat dunia, terimalah hakikat, Aidil xsuke ko!haha..Ok..aku EMO balik..haha~

Ok2, kepala aku dah pening makan lembu bnyak sangat. Kepada lelak-lelaki yang rasa ensem dan single, i single lagi, silalah masuk meminang.haha~ (aku guraw!)..OKla..aku malas nk tulis...Selamat Malam...:P

Monday, November 9, 2009

rasa yg mati~

tiba-tiba pagi tadi, aku ada rasa lain mcam sikit, dari rasa girang tukar jadik hening..haha~aku dah agak, rasa ini akan datang punye..hmmm~

Aku ade satu masalah dalam diri aku yang bile aku suke kat org, tiba-tiba rasa suke itu akan mati dengan sendiri. Aku pun xpasti dengan rasa ini. Tiba-tiba aku gembira, tiba-tiba aku nak rasa jatuh cinta, tiba-tiba aku rasa di awang-awangan, dan secara tiba-tiba semua rasa itu mati..haha..plek bukan?

Aku rasa aku juga sedang mencari apa yang aku mahu dalam hidup, apa yang aku suka. Sisa takut masih ada dlam diri, yang batas perjalanan aku. Rasa takut buat aku lemah nk gapai bintang tinggi, dan rasa takut jatuh buat rasa "ingin" jadi mati. Perlukan aku buang takut ini, atau aku biar waktu tentukan segala??

Ada orang tanya, kenapa aku obses dengan superhero. Sebab aku rasa superhero aku akan tolong selamatkan dunia aku, akan ada waktu aku hilang percaya pada dri sdri, waktu aku roboh, waktu aku hancur, waktu aku girang, waktu aku senyum, dan semua waktu dia ada kat sisi aku. Tapi perjalanan nk mencarik superhero adalah seperti perjalanan merentas universe yang mana kalau xcukup peralatannya, akan cuma terawang-awang di langit yg zero graviti.

Aku xmau hidup dalam awang-awangan, aku mahu hidup pijak tanah. Aku rasa biar waktu tentukan hidup aku. Biar rasa ini mati sahaja...ok kan?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

sedang senyum

lenka- dont let me fall

P/S: My superhero..please dont let me fall...:)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

dan bila mimpiku mati

Tajuk lagu: Mimpi yang mati - Bliz

Pernah tak korang terpaksa bangun dari mimpi yang sempurna?

Kadang-kadang bila kita xmampu atau x boleh nk menggapai sesuatu, bagi kita, cukuplah sekadar bermimpi sahaja. Tapi bila mimpi itu indah-indah, kita akan rasa macam xnak bgun dr tempat tidur, dan bile kita bangun, kita akan rasa kecewa, sebab itu semua mimpi je. huhu~ peli k! Sebab bile kita mimpi, kita boleh jadik superman, kite boleh fikir atau buat tindakan ikut perasaan kita, kita boleh corakkan rentak nya ikut otak kita. Walaupun aku xberapa arif tentang mimpi-mimpi ni, cume yang aku tahu, mimpi merupakan satu anugerah Allah yang paling istimewa. Sebab bagi aku, mimpi fungsinya macam-macam. Kadang-kadang boleh jadi mainan tidur (mainan syaitan), kadang-kadang boleh bg petanda (cthnya: dejavu, kita mimpi perkara tersebut sebelum ia berlaku), kadang-kdang bila penat atau kita tertido memikirkan sesuatu, ia juga boleh terbawak-bawak dalam mimpi..huhu..pelik bukan?

Kat sini aku bukan nk memebebel pasal mimpi, tapi ada satu lagu yang buat aku rasa jatuh cinta. Lagu kat atas ade lirik yang sangat best, yang cume bila dia terjaga, ianya adalah sebuah mimpi je. Bertemu seseorang yang kita suka, menyukai dan mencintai, tapi bila dia sedar itu cuma mimpi, dia sanggup xnak bangun dari mimpi itu. Sebab dia rasa mimpi itulah paling indah. Tapi ironi mimpi, akan hilang bila sudah terjaga. Bile bening subuh muncul dan kita terjaga dari mimpi, ade certain time kita akan rasa xnak bangun dari mimpi tersebut. Tapi apakan daya, manusia bukan boleh hidup dengan asyik bermimpi sahaja.

Realiti dunia, berpijak pada bumi yang nyata. Itulah sebenarnya yang kita sebagai manusia patut hadapi. Mimpi cume kadang-kadang satu ilusi yang wat kita bahagia, even sekejap. Dan pagi tadi, aku harap aku dapat tidur sepanjang hari...*sigh*

Aku mahu superhero yang akan datang selamatkan aku waktu aku jatuh..rasa-rasa superhero itu wujud x???

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

pintu umah terbuka


thanks kepada mereka-mereka yang sudi dtang ke rumah cabuk aku, walau aku taw aku mask xsedap, Terima kasih la jugak sebab sudi dtang makan..

well, majlis mula kul 8mlm, tapi yang dtang sume 8 lebeh ke atas, hari ujan renyai2, mak aku kata, "ada ke orang nk dtang ni???slalu time open house ko slalu jek ujan, naseb btul ahh..", aku pon reply kat mak aku, "xpe..hujan berkat..hahaha"

alhamdulillah, majlis berjalan lancar, ade jugak rakan2 yang tolong membasuk (basuh dan tangkup) pinggan, Thanks la sesangat...:)..BMFR memang bes~

btw, Thanks jugak pada mak bapak aku yang sanggup tolong aku yg keseorangan kat dapur, Thanks pada Ana yang sudi dtang tolong masak, Thanks pada akk aku selaku Tukang Masak jemputan, Thanks pada Jamie selaku Tukang Tangkap Gambar, Thanks pada Rakan-Rakan penghabis makanan dan sume2 lah..

kita mungkin xakan ada masa bersama macam ni lagi, tapi aku harap kali ini bukan kali terakhir kita beraya bersama, sesape yg sesat kat Mlaka, leh ah kolling2 aku...ok??

kepada sesapa yg xdpat hadir, tunggu je lah aku kawen nnti, korang dtang ahh..haha..xpon raya thun depan ke??:P

thanks to all.. Luv u all..:)

Saturday, October 3, 2009


well...people must have been in love once, either with your old skool friend or your first sight love, all of it can drown u in heaven but also can lead to tearless ever. I just love simple plan, despite in their music also in their lyrics, so honest and really tell the life of a human being. I will listen to their music whenever I feel morally down, cause of study, cause of fiends, cause of love..all of them can found in Simple Plan Lyrics. I just so in love with themmm!!!!I love their music and their lyrics...:P

*this is one of my favorite songs ever...I just wish I could have one more day with U...*sigh*

Monday, September 28, 2009


rasa macam dah terlmabt nk ucap selamat hari raya..tapi raya masih ada baki beberapa hari lagi kan??


ku susun sepuluh jari,
mengharapkan diri ini di maafi,
oleh kerana kekhilafan diri,
yang kadang tidak sekali disedari,
selamat menyambut eidul firti,
semoga eid ini membawa seribu erti...
pada kamu,kamu, dan kamu yang senantiasa di hati..:P

nota kaki: raya ke-14, mari jemput datang diri sendiri ke teratak bonda ku...ok? pukul 11pg until 1ptg..:p

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the climb~

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
The pain I'm knowing
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my hepi 'Bilik Filing ' guys

Caption: last day lunch together as budak intern (Pizza Hut, Bt. Berendam)

I'm gonna miss those moment we shared together... we should meet again kn?talking crap and sakat sesame sdri..It's so much fun..i missed that momment! even we always quarrel each others, mka\an hati, sensitif but,we shared a lot of things together especially food and also scary movie (korang suke tgok cite bunuh2, banyak2 darah...eiyy!)..haha..but..that's bring us closer each days..

happy ramadhan day rakan-rakan

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

my pathetic week..

It's a hectic week starting from the last 3 weeks. I have no enough sleep and I have a lot of bad luck happen to me. Starting from the last Wednesday, while presenting DFE case study, and my group have been dihentam-bertubi-tubi oleh my supervisor because of our presentation are haven't achieved the benchmark made by my other friends. It's quite frustrating, because we have done so much effort to give the best, and FYI, furniture industries in Malaysia baru jek nak berkembang pesat, and because of that, xbanyak company kat Malaysia yang sudah establish sistem yang dia gunakan. Lagi-lagi mahu carik pasal Waste Management System. Sangat-sangatlah susah.

I have said to him earlier about problem we have facing, but he ask me to search jugak pasal kat Malaysia and he said that other negara boleh dijadikan rujukan jek. So, we ended up by creating a problem and solve it,BUT he doesn't like it. It's so frustrating because we cannot show our true abilities, and my bad luck is, I've got nervous and my presentation not going well... Ahh!

For the next day, we need to submit DFMA report and I have finish up the report until morning. Unfortunately, my computer hang and my discussion and conclusion lost!!I need to re made it again and when it done, the printer making me want to say-those bad word. Then, I ask my friend help, and print with kak abid printer, and the saddest part is, we have missed DFMA classes and I dragged my friend together. I hate myself because I the reason why they missed DFMA classes. Bad day again huh?? At afternoon, I and Oden going to CTRM to take some data for our PSM project. unfortunately, we nor be able to take any data because En fandi haven't submit our proposal yet. It's so wasting our time. I have asked En fandi before wether we need to make a proposal or not, but he just say later. When the times come, CTRM want the proposal before they decide to take the project or not. I got angry because I thought, our PSM project have already accepted, hence we just only can proceed. But, It's not!So, we need to make a proposal. unfortunately again, when I submit to my supervisor the next day and I have found out that my Introduction is quite boring and need a lot to repair. It's takes a time and I've got worried about my PSM. Can I make it done on time?...I'm not so lucky huh?

So, Friday....I'm going to KL for my sister graduation at UKM. Just to cherish the moment with her. Spending a night at my older sister house, and meets 2-budak-nakal, make me tireless. But, the Saturday and Sunday, It's a damn and horror experience. I hate UKM!I dont want to say a word about this because, I might use a not-nice words. I just hating myself for losing temper easily. Huhh~

And today, the greatest day ever. I've lost my car key..sekian~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



badan letih + otak tepu + perut lapar + mengantuk + xcukup tido+ NESCAFE



akal sudah separuh sedar, mata xmau tutup tapi katil da memanggil-manggil dan bilik dah cukup sejuk untuk beradu...

itu lah akibat nye minum nescafe~GENIUS GILEW AHH...


Sunday, August 9, 2009


getus hati

" Kenapa mesti begini? "

getus bicara

"Ahh~Aku benci kamu"

Lidah boleh menipu..Hati?Rasa?

Jawapannya ada pada diriku? Mungkin..

Walau sejauh mana pun aku cuba lari, bayangmu selalu menghantui..

Ya Allah..Ampunilah hambamu ini..Atas segala dosa-dosa yang ku lakukan..Berilah Aku peluang berubah Ya Allah..

dosa-dosa ku membuat kita terpisah dan......
"Jangan ganggu dia lagi", bisik akal.
"Jangan bergaduh lagi", bisik hati.
"Ah~persetankan semua", luah bicara.

Egoiskah aku?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

another weekend entry~


Another moments of my craziness strikes up. Usually, I'm not feeling this way..


Yeah..I do feel tired. Tired of care someone else feelings. Hey! Who do you think yourself are huh. I keep pestering an apologize, and U just give that-most-annoying looks back at me. Hello?? Am I care??

Yes. I do care!

How much tears should be wipe away?

How much sense U need to be more alert?

How much loves should be bonded again?

How much money that need to BE spend for U to feel comfort?

How much??

Questioning and think back of yourself. U just can stop dreaming..


I'll let you go. Please don't turn back.

Even so, U'll not be able to see me again.

I just can't be a girl u used to know.


U let me down so many times and I just want to let it go.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

kisah fifi dan JJ card day

^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: fifi online x?
chronogarbage: tidak
chronogarbage: hahahaha
chronogarbage: padan mukle
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hehh
chronogarbage: fifi merajuk
chronogarbage: hahahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: asal?
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: tnye dia..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: esok jadik x?
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: kompem la weh JJ card day
chronogarbage: fifi langsung berkata, "terbaekkkk...aku nak mempergunakan kau...hahahha"
chronogarbage: lalu...
chronogarbage: lalu afifi menyambung kerja lukisannya...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: suh dia wat kn aku lukisan satuu
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: kalo x..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: esok xjdik g
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku nk wat lukisan
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: amacam?
chronogarbage: dan afifi menggetus keras, "aku ada lukisan kejuruteraan...hahaha"
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: yela
chronogarbage: sambil menikmati air oat buatan sendiri beliau
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: lukisan kejuruteraan yg md dan nak tuhla
chronogarbage: afifi terus menjerkah keras' "siapa mad dan tu??!!!lawyer??magistrate??doctor??"
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: mlas layan
chronogarbage: dan beliau langsung mencucuh rokok nya tanda protes
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: nk JJ card wat care nak..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: kalo x..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: cancel
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ugut neh~
chronogarbage: aku taip ape die cakap je ni
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ahhaa
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ko ckp jela camtuh kat dia
chronogarbage: afifi langsung mengekek bercampur rayu, " hahahaha...tolonglah daku ini...aku hidup sebatang kara...di hujung sungai hutan lipur gunung senyum.."
chronogarbage: lalu afifi meneruskan pelajaran lukisan kejuruteraan beliau bersama nas dan saiful
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: haha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hmmm..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: esok start kol 8pg
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: dia nk g kol bape?
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: jempot aku kat umah
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: haha
chronogarbage: "nanti aku belanja makan roti canai pukul 5 petang yang sedap itu...hahahah", afifi cuba merasuah..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: roti canai katne?
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: xnk roti canai bedah
chronogarbage: "roti canai yang kau tambah tadi 5 petang", jawab afifi
chronogarbage: "kalau macam itu, roti canai kassim pasti terbaik dari ladang", seloroh afifi
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: tuh roti canai mak aku la sengal~
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: fifi...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: nak g kol bape ni??
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku bg kad je la
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: nnti da abes shopping ko pulangkn blek je la
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ok?
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: mlas plak aku nk ikut ko shopping
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
chronogarbage: fifi mengekek kecil lalu berseloroh, "baru la gurlsss..."
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku gurls yg mlas shopping
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: harap maklum
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku xde bnde nk bli la weh
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: kang g sane abes mase aku
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: nk wat lukisan g neh
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: xsiap..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: bnyak keje la plak
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: amek kad jekla..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: tp ko kne blnje aku sarapan dan roti canai kol 5ptang
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hhaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ok?
chronogarbage: "ok!! kalau kau nk roti basah pon kitorang boleh beli", afifi meyakinkan
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: pala~
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: tuh mak aku leh blikan la..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: xpyah ko pon xpe
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ko nk g kol bape?
chronogarbage: afifi mencuba untuk menipu, "aku kata roti canai, bukan roti basah...ash salah tulis"
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: sengal dow~
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: makcik nk g kol bape mkcik
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku kne set timer nk bgun nehh
chronogarbage: "pukul sembilan..itu pun kire ok...klo ko nak mc value lunch", fifi cuba merasuah utk kali kedua
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: nak2
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ok gak..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: kol 9
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: mc value lunch ok??
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: rasuah kali ni berjaye la
chronogarbage: "terbaekkk!!!datang sini secepat mungkin", bangga afifi setelah rancangan mempergunakan eim sukses sepenuhnya...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: h,,,
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hmmm
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: apela naseb aku kn
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: dapt kawan...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: suke gnekn kawan sdri
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahahaha
chronogarbage: afifi cuba menenangkan, "tak payah lah kau bersedih value lunch pasti menati!!anda ingin mencuba??" yakin afifi sambil menjulang tangannya ke atas
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahahah
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: ok2...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: aku nk yg pleng mahal
chronogarbage: "OK!!!mc value lunch paling mahal!!hahaha", tawa afifi girang kerana mengetahui harga sebenar mc value luch tak lah setinggi mana..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: haha..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: xla tinggi mne kalo tmbah aplle pie..vanila shake gn bubur ayam
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: haha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: side dish
chronogarbage: afifi berdiri lalu bertegas,"itu tak termasuk dalam perjanjian!"
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahaha
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: xkire
chronogarbage: tak elok melanggar janji..nanti buta IT", tambah afifi
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: mcValue lunch aku termasuk tuh semua
chronogarbage: "tak pernah dalam sejarah mc value lunch...", kata fifi sengaja menggantungkan ayatnya...
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: tuh mcValue aku la..
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: sukeati aku la~
chronogarbage: "ikut suka hati kau lah...tapi kalu aku makan megi, aku x dapat 4flat..aku tak tahu lah", keluh afifi cuba mengharap simpati
^_^bOODaRk_ChOmeYL^_^: hahahaha
chronogarbage: lalu afifi keluar masuk bilik air tanda resah

Last message received on 22/7/2009 at 11:25 PM

Monday, July 6, 2009 sweet~


hai reader...sorry for the long time for the un-updated series...hahaha..if I says that I am busy..a lot of people laughing back at me...hey~ I do bz ok?? with nothing to bz with...

actually..I have a great day as intern at CTRM..but now my great day become greater cause i've settle up my internship program...lalalala~bes woo abes intern..haha...

At CTRM, We got a bilik called `BILIK FILING< and it turns out with a bilik full with feeling...people who comes to that bilik will be feed and tears with laughter...hahaha..and the sad part is..I'm the only one will be the `bahan' of the jokes...cett...

The committee of the bilik is, me,ema,oden,ela and ben..huhh..sitting with bunch of excellent people makes me feel...hmmm..i'm not that great as they are..but still, they have the craziness that match me a lot...i love u not lessy or whatever ok??people are not acknowledge me as a girl anyways..they see me as a little kid that need some love...hahaha..reaally??

well..i got papa and mama...and my papa (oden) is soul of a darkness..u may see him as a very nice person..but deep inside..he was an evil..he loves to 'menganjing' people and I have that habit aite now..and my mama (ela) is a `backhand' girl..why I say so??cause in every time she had a 'hangen' situation...the word 'backhand' will be heared...hehe...and I got a sister (ema) too..actually she was my neighbour, and i called her kakak..she work as a mamarazzi and have a crush on my papa...haha...but later..she found her true love and ended up hating my papa..well thats life aite..then..I got a step father (ben)..well..he married with my mama before my mama married my papa.. then there always have argument session where every people ask them to be separate, and when they see each seems like cat and dog fighting and that's why my mama and my step father cant sit next to each other...hahaha...and the story teller is called baby...hehehe...because my papa called me baby...:p...

dont be misjudge..this situation happened during family day last 2 weeks..all of us were makan2...then the jokes come out..and the nickname were stayed until now..we were bonded so much together..and it feels lonely cause the situation onward will not be the same anymore..oh~ i JUST LOVE MY INTERN gonna miss it... back to the stands where i'm mode..well it seems like i still need to play around..but my dad warned me...huhh...settle up your degree and futher to plan also wants to ensure me pass with the flying colors...oh man~i need some spiritual advice..hahaha...this sem is very2 important meh...have psm (projek sarjana muda and need to struggle up to add up my pngk...hmmm...

well...i dont know what else need to be write...just tjanks for the viewers who really loves reading my craps..hahaha..see ya later k??

wish me the best this year...

tata titi tutu~

Thursday, February 26, 2009


thanks kengkawan yang sudi mengingati besday aku ni..

n ramai lagi yg aku xsebut namenye kat cini..jgn kecik ati ye...thanks a lot my dear...aku mmng syang gile ahh kat korang sumew..

well..actually besday tahun ni aku se cam lonely gile..yela..dulu aku time besday ade mmbe kat sekeliling aku n family aku pon still ingat besday aku..

tapi tahun ni...bapak aku wish sehari lepas besday aku n siap cakap dia terlupe...sedehnye..yela..time aku blek keje..aku tnye kat kakak aku..xde kek ke??
skali jwapan yang aku dengar sngt menduka cita kn aku.."watpe dengan kek??"...huhh..aku time tuh..peh rase nk melaung jek kat citu...rase mmng lonely gilew ah...n then macam xde org jek nk celeb gn aku...(demand terlebih jekk)..

huhu...nk dijadikan cerita..semalam..bpak aku jnji nk bwak aku g mkan2..yela sebagai hadiah yg dia da terlupakn besday ank dia ni...huhu..aku pon sngt la excited gile nk g..smpai aku tolak offer meor(dia pon nk blnje mkan jugak)...

skali bile aku smpai umah..bapak aku ckp xjadikla pegi..dia rase mcm nk demam and lagipon time tuh hujan xberhenti..aku jadik macam bengang dan xleh trime kenyataan la..mungkin sebb aku sngt berharap kot..mungkin...

then aku cite kat ela..budak same praktikal gn aku..huh..dorang ajak aku join dorang makan..yela..kan meor nk blnje...aku??mestila da xde mood..huhh..lagipon xkan la aku nk tunjuk muke masam jek kat dorang kan..mesti da xde mud nk makan tgok muke aku yg monyok jek aku decide...TIDO!!!haha..tu je la d best solution yang aku se..xmenyusahkn sume pihak termasuk aku...

then hari ni..aku cube untuk ceria..aku da mlas la nak piki pasal janji2 bpak aku..sebb aku mlas nk pnjang2 bnde yg remeh temeh aku g ah keje macam bese..

skali aku smpai kat bilik filing a.k.a pejabat budak praktikal..sume ngah cite pasal dorang kuar makan semalam..pasal ema n meor..huhh..aku pon join la skali..mule2 da lupe la pasal bpak aku tuh...then tibe2 aku nye supervisor pnggil aku..aku pon gn semangat pegi la jumpe dia..aku bajet dia nk kasik aku berita yg mnggembirakan..sebb sebelom ni aku pressure aku nye task x siap..serius aku aku still leh kontrol lagi ah..

aku ni jenis kalo wat keje...aku xske wat keje skali bnyak..aku ske wat satu2..sebb aku taw..aku memang bukan org yg leh wat bnyak keje dalam satu mase..aku takut..yang dikejar xdapat..yang dikendong berciciran...huhu..dah start melalut tempat lain berbalik pada cite asal aku aku pnggil aku..then dia tnye pasal task aku dlam SMT(Self Managing Team)..means dlam SMT aku kne jadik assistant mr.paneer which kne jage untuk attendance and training staf2 yg dlam grup SMT tuh...actually..memang aku nk wat keje sebbkan aku bz gn keje2 kerani yg lain..aku pon xsempat nk fokus pd task SMT tuh..bukan aku xnak wat tp....aku ade bnyak keje lain yg lebih penting..lagipon ade some data yg aku lom dpat lagi dari kak tok training tu aku agk susah sket nk wat something yg belom familiar gn aku...

tp tetibe supervisor aku mcm xpaham..n dia siap tnye aku lagi.."awak bz??bnyak keje??xsempat nk siapkn??" "awak kne kejar en.paneer""kalu awak xtaw..awak kne blaja..xpyah tunggu org suruh2""sy nak petang karang pukul 5suku..sebelum sy g solat nk tgok sume yg sy suruh tuh da ditampal.."..huhh..aku pon ape lagi..tahan je la genangan air mata..tahan supaye xjatuh depan dia...macamla SV aku tuh xtaw betape bz nye aku...huhh..mmng sedeh gile ah...

dah tuh..smpai jek kat bilik filing tuh..aku pon mencurahkn la airmata aku...huhh..mmng sius time tuh..air mata aku mengalir sederas2 nye..mungkin sebb aku terlampau rase pressure...aku ni plak jenis yg xske bile org piki aku ni pemalas ke...bnyak esakan aku tu la aku wat keje...aku geram sebb aku rase...dalam rmai2..aku jek yg pleng bnyak keje antra yg lain..well nk wat camne..tuh sume rzeki masing...naseb ela ade tenangkn aku..oden gn ben gn ema pon mcm nk tenangkn aku la..aku bukan mintak simpati sesiape pon...

then tepat pukul 3..aku da siapkn dengan hiba aku tuh masih ada lagi ah..ia mungkin sisa2 pressure yg aku rase..

tibe2..masukla plak SV aku lagi sorang..tnye pasal repot aku yg da dekat sebulan ckp macam nk mara pon ade...nk main2 pon ade..oleh sebb arini mud aku xbek..aku pon rase dia mcm nk mara aku..huhh..dia pon mcm la xtaw keje yg aku wat...then..dia tnye aku bile nk kasik..aku pon jwabla"bile da siap" dia nk kalo aku ckp ari senin..masakla aku...aku ni bnyak g keje lain..QII lagi..kang takut x sempat plak...then aku pon cakap ari rabu aku anto..huh..tmbah lagi satu bala..pas satu..satu aku kne..hmmm..then after that dia mcam nk kasik aku additional aku lari..hahaha..mlas aku nk wat keje dia..

hmm..da pas siap keje aku..aku pon rilek2 ahh..ben ajk aku g kantin mkan..yela pas keje..sbb aku nk stay back..wat kje aku yg menimbun..aku pon layan kn je la..tapi kan bnyak bnde yg aku konpius sebenanye...oden yg slalu blek awal tetibe blek lmbt..ajak mkan kat kantin lak tuh..mcam xmsuk akal..skali SV aku kol..tnye aku kat mne..aku mcam riso la..dia ni nk kasik aku keje g ke..hmmm..xpela..dia pon suh aku rehat dlu..aku pon pegi ah kntin dengan ben..

skali smpai kantin aku nmpak rmai jek budak2 praktikal...n ade SV aku..huhh...skali aku nmpak KEK...hahaha..aku pon senyum tersipu2 la..

dan pada masa tuh..terbongkarla rahsia penipuan diorang...

pelaksana:EN.JASMI dan EN.PUHAT (SV aku)
pelakon tamabahn: ODEN,kakzila dan rmai yg terlibat dlam babak penipuan ni...

huh..kat situ jugak aku speechless...pehh..memang kne prank gile2 ahh..peh..bayangkan smpai nages..dasat xdasat la plan dorang... sngt berterima kasih kat pelakon2 drama kisah sedih aku ni..sebb sume aku tabikla..bleh blakon..serius...tribute la kat dua orang SV aku yg berkomplot skali tuh...well..aku hepi being with u guys..

thanks 4 da cake and thanks 4 d drama...
aku sius ingat smpai mati..
n for EN.JASMI...i salute u well ah...u make me cry sehhh...!!

and 4 all my fren..thanks 4 being with e in bad and good..
i really2 appreciate that...:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

another sedih entry

assalammualaikum wbt..

perkataan yang susah nak diungkap kn...
tapi terlihat oleh raut wajah..
dan dirasai kesedihan itu...
oleh mata hati yang memandang...

melihat orang yang disayangi...
pergi untuk selamanya...

bila mengenangi...
sisi buruk perilaku kita..
terhdapa orang yang tersayang...

bila memberitahu diri kita...
ya!!dia sudah tiada lagi di sisi kita..

adakah kita cukup membuatnya bahagia pada hayatnya...
cukupkah madu kehidupan yang kita sajikan...
ataupun hanya sekadar tuba menjadi hidangan makan malmnya...

cukupkah kita mendoakn kesejahteraannya semasa hidupnya...
sementara si dia selalu mendoakn hidup ank dan cucunya..
pada setiap sesi solat malamnya...

mampukah kita sepertinya...?
persoalan yang mungkin hanya kita shj yg boleh menjawabnya..

sempatkah kita memohon ampun dan maaf terhadap setiap perbuatan kita?

p/s:kepada sesiapa yang masih mempunyai ibu bapa...hormatilah mereka...doakn la kesejahteraan mereka dalm setiap solatmu...kerana yang pergi takkan kembali...sayangi mereka sebelom terlambat...

Friday, January 2, 2009

welcome 2009!!


bersyukur kita ke hadrat ILAHI kerana memanjangkan umur kita semua, dan kita masih lagi mempunyai kemampuan dr segi fizikal dan mental untuk menjalani kehidupan seharian.

sepanjang perjalanan tahun 2008, terlalu banyak kisah suka duka yang aku lalui, well I think most of us will felt the same way as I am. this year really a tough year, a year with a lot of drama, a year with a lot of argument, clashing part, flirting, enjoying, crying and heartbroken. but the worst part is, the failure of me. I'm not be able to achieve what I've target before. maybe lack of attention and more to "main-main" thing and also the act that I commit. I do agree sometimes I've been so stubborn, childish, egoistic and most of all I'm so heartless until people get upset with my action. I know its not supposed to be like that cause I'm not too cruel to let people down. but the situation let me be the odd than usual.

well..this year, I need to behave more like human. no more emotional stuff, no more stingy word, no more playing, no more lepaking and no more daydreaming. I do tired with my own self. I have no respect to others and I'm just thinking about myself. I do want people appreciate me but I'm not appreciate people behind me. so selfish am I..

I regretted things I've done, and wanna move on to maturity. yeah!!it's a growing up session which I realized things in the way of 21 years. becoming 21's makes me realized that I'm not a child anymore, passing old my childish stuff and be more independent. I don't want to depends on others while I can do more with myself.

so...for me..this coming 2009, I will cherish every moment I have and I want to make something that I can proud of to be. I want to change people judgment on me and I want to be more independent while behave like a real muslimah. things will go on according to what I want if I been able to stay at my word. I do need people to guide me if I'm wrong and, to all my fwen..please help me to be a better person. I really do need your help. in order to be independent, I still need people help to remembered me things I've forgotten and to guide me as well. I hope all my wish will come true.

I also wish all of my friend will have a good year coming towards and all of your "azam" will come true...

may GOD bless us..!!
