Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Wishes

This wishes goes to someone that is important to me, a nice man I ever found, and hope that our friendship will remain forever. So, for you the Mr-nice-guy, Happy Birthday...(^_^)

Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
There's so many things, I just want to say.

You've inspire me, with your thoughts and actions,
And I'm so grateful, for your calm reactions.

You've always been there, when I needed you to stay.
Kindness is your forte,
And this love for you, I wish to convey.

I wish you the best, without any delay.
Here a hug and kisses for you on your birthday

Happy Birthday on this beautiful day



  1. mr nice guy?? interesting jerk..

  2. waaaaaa...caya lah eim..ekekekekeke

  3. Ringo : Gambar ape??gmbar kek xde la..huhu~

    Chegax: cehhh..macm knal jek ni..letak name chegax..xtahan..:p
