Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the man

there is a story
about a young girl falling in love with a man
since her junior grade at school

she was so in love with that man
the way he think
the way he judge
and so much of personality influenced her

she just a small tiny girl
hiding in dining room
with the candle light
just to read about him

she just a little girl
she tried hard to understand
the way he talk
the way he think
and apparently she can't do the same

she just a little girl

and then she grow up,
the man of her dream become far away,
she seems to lost the memory of the man

one day a friend ask her to watch the man,
she said "oh! pleasure"
even she knows that,
maybe he would not be the same as she read
when she just a little girl.

And the day comes,
she meet her men in life
and truly
she fall in love again
even it is just a movie
she fall in love
even it script
she fall in love
even a stupid move and reaction
she fall in love


And she grateful.

Sherlock Holmes is the best!


  1. aku xpenah pn bce bk nye...sbb ak xrajen bce2 kte ko story kt ak..huhu

  2. hahaha..ko tgok movie dia..dah cukup melambangkan siapa dia. Dlam buku cerita dia lain, bnyak episod, and aku lupe pasal yg ada dalam movie tuh.

    karakter sherlock yang aku baca, dia bukan seorang yg humorous, sngt detail tp kat movie, its add up with humor, so people tak bosan nk tgok.

    bagi aku..well done ahh..sngt bes!you must watch!

  3. hahaha...okeh2!!!
    ko nih mesti sonok abes dpt jumpe sherlock...

  4. serius!!!hahaha..mcm ko jmpe pakwe lama yg pling ko cinta dr kecik..hahahaa~

  5. ne sherlock lg gempak dari supertamil nih..demmmm demmmmm demmmmm...

  6. ST..u r the reality la syang..of course lagi gempak..huhu~

    SH is just a character, but ST is a savior. Remember?
