Avatar is a great movie, and its end up my list of movie for this year perfectly. Haha..Luckily it's a great movie, all the ingredient are mixed finely. You can have the feeling of nature, it's a really nice scenery, a really great movie line, eventhough you may expect what will happen at the end of story, yet it still experience you new thing. The up and down in your life, whats good and whats bad. What's must or what's mustn't. Huhh. Usually, I'm not applaud to any movie, except Upin Ipin la, and Transformers.
Upin Ipin is Malaysian Product, and the quality of storyline is same to the Pixar studio or any other 3D animation story from outsider, and its really cool cause we had daily conversation in there. Eventhough, sometimes the story are being up broad too much, yet its still entertaining. the 2nd movie that amazed me is Transformers, that;s not because of the story, but the way the movie is make, and its also not because the cast ok? The cast is usual, but the unusual is how the make the transformers really alive. Its so cool. How I wish I can do that too, the technology. Huhh..Please, Malaysian people, make us some robots same as Optimus Prime or more powerful than that..Huhu.. Atleast no one can harm us anymore. Peace..(^_^)..

Transformers - Revenge of The Fallen
Ok, back to Avatar, it was a last minute movie. My sister and I decided to watch New Moon at Dataran Pahlawan since yesterday is my sister off day. As all of you know, my sister is really busy on her job, yet don't have any time to rest. So as a good younger sister, I'm willing to have a date with her and willing her to buy me a movie. Haha..(That's willing word is really annoying ok..I'm forcing her to watch movie and buy me a ticket actually..) Huhu. Unfortunately, the New Moon is not on-sale, I don't know what's happening, but the ticket available only for mid-nights. What the Fishla kan. My dream to see my Edward-Cullen-yang-gile-nak-mati-putih, and Bella-si-putih-yang-suke-ketap-bibir is absolutely a dream only.So, later on we decided to watch AVATAR. I don't have any expectation on this movie, and my 1st impression, "this movie is boring and cliche". Haha. The hero must survive until last and meet some hot girl and making love and bla bla bla. But, after I watched it, Even the storyboard is same, like other movies, but I tell you, you didn't want the hero to die. Trust me!!You want him to alive and live long and having a great life. Huhh!Yes..Thats movie is so great to me. Really great. Sometimes, people that can't see the message, might say, "this movie is just like another movie", but please digged out the message of green life, about the courages of defend his nation and culture, about the united of people to defend the country, about the belief of their religion, about the effect of the trust that've been destroyd, about the humanity. Hey all people that say racist word, You should see this movie. This movie is completely full with message.
I love one line from the movie, "why you need to fill in the cup that already full?". It's mean, its a useless thing that you do and indeed, why must people to pretend they know nothing while they know everything? But, sometimes a person who knows everything is also lacking on something, such as, why must you build a road while they just use bird to fly?or just use tree to connect to another places? Truthfully, a decision to make is must comply with the environment, the silly mistakes like build a road at the jungle, where there is no transportation will use that road, is totally a sucks idea. Hey com'on!Think as a human la weh. Why they need all the technologies while they use nature to survive? All the greedy people in all over the world, will use violence as a method to conquer things, without think the consequence on all over the aspect, not concern about people, not concerning about nature, not concerning about the environment impact on the people out there. The people may lost home, may lost their love one, may lost everything they have, and I bet that it should be the same thing goes on the greedy people. "What you give, you get back!". (Patut laksanakan hukum hudud ni~). A very violent things, that a heartless people may do, is destroying the holy place of one race. That's their belief, and that's their religion, so please people, do respect them.
So, now you see why I love this movie, sometimes, nature is more powerful than technology. Human make a technology for a better living, while a nature is made by Allah for people to live in. So? Who is more powerful? Pray for Allah, if you want anything and don't ask to human. Allah will gave you what you want, while human is selective. "Selective" here means that, if you didn't bring any good to them, so you're useless, if yes, you're hero. That's human. The nature of human. So, please watch this movie, and see the message. I love Jake Sully!
haha, another line that I like most is, "Why this dream is feel so real, while the reality seems like dreaming?". I like it! He totally fall in love with that native girl, and same as the native girl. Aisshhh..I love them, hihihi..(tetibe boleh berangan time dorang duk bercinta-cinta).
OK, thats all for my entry this week, I think. Mari tgok Avatar kawan-kawan(^_^)
**congrats pada team Malaysia yang menang 1-0 lawan vietnam, camni baru lah ade feel nk sokong Malaysia! huhu~**
avatar: perfect movie!!!
ReplyDeletehahaha..no doubt kan?